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Use Cases for Facial Recognition Technology in Your Commercial Business

A kiosk entry system outfitted with facial recognition cameras in San Antonio.

Beyond Security, New Technologies Can Improve Service and Streamline Operations 

In your commercial business, security and efficiency are not just goals but necessities for running a successful business. Facial recognition technology has become a game-changer for many businesses, as new use cases have been uncovered for these solutions beyond obvious security purposes. Streamlining operations, personalizing customer experiences, and monitoring employee attendance are just a few innovative ways organizations leverage their investment in this cutting-edge technology to improve other areas of business. 

Continue reading to explore these innovative use cases closer and evaluate if they would be helpful additions to your San Antonio, TX, business.

3 Ways Facial Recognition Technology Secures Your Property


Camera Onsite Is the Eyes on Your Property When You’re Away

It’s crucial to keep your property secure, whether it’s a rental building, construction property, or an oil rig. Security cameras are the best way to keep watch while you’re away. However, even if a security camera catches suspicious activity, you and the authorities still have to try and identify the perpetrator. Cameras with facial recognition technology make identifying thieves and vandalists easy and will even catch repeat offenders. Keep reading to see how facial recognition helps to secure your San Antonio, TX, property!

Top 3 Benefits of Facial Recognition Technology for Schools

a kid having an online class on Zoom

Improve the security and learning experience for students with a facial recognition system

Artificial intelligence has made its way into many commercial spaces, especially schools. Not only is AI a part of our phones, computers, and other smart technologies, but it plays a significant role in security products. For instance, instead of using outdated systems to gain access to your campus, like carrying a photo ID card, facial recognition is starting to become the new norm among schools nationwide. 

Thoughtful integration of facial recognition technology in schools can make the lives of the administration, faculty, and students much easier, and let’s not forget the unmatched security it offers. Read on to learn the top three benefits of implementing a facial recognition system in your San Antonio, TX, school.




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